Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Mwl. Lukiko Lukiko
When you read the Bible you will find that in many books it teaches and insists on being persistent in prayers. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 18:1, Acts 12:5
The Bible calls upon every person who calls unto the name of the lord to pray without ceasing until he/she finds that God has established Jerusalem and made it a praise on earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). Therefore, it is very pleasing to see that a person is being persistent in praying. The verses reveals to us that the end of your prayers should be when you an answer from heaven. However, this is not so simple as you might think of; it’s a matter which requires persistence and patience.
If you’re a prayerful person it is very dangerous being persistent but not patient. Because if you are not patient then the time when you’re tired of being persistent you won’t have faith in the Lord. Learn that if you want to make yourself a better prayer warrior you better start telling yourself to be patient. Because it’s not that all the time God will answer you when you call; sometimes it may take long thus you must train your prayerful mind to wait for the Lord.
Many prayer warriors have fallen from the presence of God only for lack of patient. There was a time when they were in need and they called upon to the Lord but God could not answer them at the time of their calling. Thus their faith on God dropped down. They, therefore, decide to abandon prayers and decide to do it on their own.
Brethren, do not think that God is a simple Giver. There are times when God needs only to see your patience for something to be done. You don’t need to worry when God is your shepherd, everything is in control. It just needs you to take some more time to wait for the King of kings.
In Exodus 14: 21-22
The Bible gives us a critical example to observe. Here the Egyptians were pursuing the Israelites and they were drawing very near to where the Israelites had camped. Then the Israelites immediately forgot all the miracles that God had done before them in Egypt and they started blaming Moses.
However, the mercy of the Lord was upon them and he took them to Canaan through the red sea on dry land. The point I want to make from this example is contained in verse 21 when God had to divide the sea all night.
Geographically and geologically, the sea depth is very deep down. Therefore, if the sea was only to be dried and left there it could have left a deep hole down there. This implies that there was more than drying up the sea. The question is: what is it that God was doing all night. From the circumstances, we learn that the big task God was doing that night was to uplift the sea bed to be leveled up to the ground level for the Israelites to pass on.
It took the Israelites much patience to wait all night while knowing that their enemy was only behind them. You don’t have to go back to Egypt when you see the hard of life. It just need your patience while God is leveling your sea level.
In Habakkuk 2: 2-3
The Bible here speaks with people who have visions for the future but are trying to make the vision come tomorrow. God is telling Habakkuk to wait for the vision even if it will tarry. It is very easy to go astray if you not developed inner patience for prayers. The way to your vision might not be so smooth but you don’t need to be rush; just wait for the lord to train you for you for the time kept ready by God.
When you read the story of King David you will find that he was very patient to wait for his time to reign. Since the time of his anointing by Samuel David had to pass through distresses and test which even threatened his life. Nevertheless he kept on waiting.
Things to help you develop spiritual patience
1.   Know the will of God in what you are praying for
2.   Know the time set by God for your vision to come true
3.   Know the way through which you have to pass to reach your vision Genesis 15:8, Jeremiah 29:11     

1 comment:

  1. nice inspirational, be blessed for might things,
    thank you!!
